Can I take pregnenolone and DHEA together? Find out the benefits and risks of combining these two supplements and how to ideally use them.

Can I Take Pregnenolone and DHEA Together?

Last modified on September 5th, 2024

Can I Take Pregnenolone and DHEA Together?

When exploring supplements, it’s common to wonder about the benefits or risks of combining two potentially powerful options. Two potent supplements in terms of their hormone-balancing benefits are pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). You may wonder, “Can I take pregnenolone and DHEA together?”

We’ll explore the topic below and guide potentially taking pregnenolone and DHEA together, their benefits, and how to optimize these.

What Is Pregnenolone?

Pregnenolone is one of the steroid hormones and is also a precursor hormone. The body naturally produces it from cholesterol, which is called the mother hormone, because it’s a precursor to many others, including DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

The pregnenolone synthesis occurs in the adrenal glands, brain, liver and gonads. It’s crucial to the production and regulation of key hormones.

What Causes Low Pregnenolone Levels?

Low pregnenolone levels can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Aging: As we age, our production of many hormones, including pregnenolone, decreases.

  • Chronic stress: Ongoing stress depletes the body of pregnenolone reserves. As a stress response, the adrenal glands prioritize the production of cortisol, taking resources away from producing pregnenolone.

  • Nutritional deficiencies: Not getting adequate amounts of certain nutrients impairs hormone production, including pregnenolone.

  • Medical conditions: Hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency are two health conditions impacting hormone synthesis.

  • Medications: Medicines such as corticosteroids and others that affect hormonal pathways can influence your pregnenolone levels.

Benefits of Taking Pregnenolone as a Supplement

A dietary supplement with pregnenolone can be helpful if you have low levels or hormone imbalances. Reasons to take pregnenolone dietary supplements include:

  • Hormonal balance: Pregnenolone is a precursor to many hormones, and supplementation can give your body the raw material it needs to produce other hormones.

  • Cognitive function: It’s thought to play a role in brain health. Evidence shows it can improve mental clarity, reduce brain fog, enhance memory, and boost overall cognitive function.

  • Mood improvement: Some people use this as a supplement to help with symptoms of mood disorders like depression and to regulate their mood overall. It influences the balance of neurosteroids and neurotransmitters in the brain.

  • Energy: Many people say they experience higher energy levels and greater well-being when taking pregnenolone supplements. This is probably because of its role in overall hormonal health.

  • Joint and muscle health: This supplement improves joint pain and muscle strength. It might benefit you dealing with arthritis or other musculoskeletal issues.

  • Stress response: Pregnenolone supports adrenal function, so it can help the body manage stress better.

What Is DHEA?

Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, is also a natural steroid hormone. It’s naturally produced primarily by the adrenal glands, brain, and gonads. It’s a precursor to sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. 

It’s necessary for hormonal balance, and our DHEA levels naturally peak in early adulthood. 

They gradually decline as we age. They involve various functions, including stress management, energy production and immune response.

What Causes DHEA Levels to Be Low?

Many of the same factors that contribute to declines in pregnenolone can also lead to lower levels of DHEA, including:

  • Aging: Aging is a primary cause of declining DHEA. By the time a person reaches their 70s, their DHEA levels are often as low as 20% of what they were in their 20s.

  • Chronic stress: Persistent stress can cause adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands are overworked and produce less DHEA.

  • Poor diet: Deficiencies in needed vitamins and minerals impair DHEA production.

  • Medical conditions: Chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases and adrenal insufficiency can affect the production of DHEA.

  • Medications: Corticosteroids and hormonal therapies can impact levels.

  • Lifestyle factors: Not getting enough sleep or exercise contributes to lower levels.

Benefits of Taking DHEA Supplements

Nutritional supplements with DHEA can offer benefits including:

  • Hormonal balance: DHEA supplementation can restore hormonal balance, especially in postmenopausal women and older men. It supports the production of estrogen and testosterone to help alleviate symptoms linked to hormonal imbalances.

  • Better mood and cognition: DHEA is linked to improvements in mood, reduced depression symptoms and better cognitive function. Some studies suggest it has neuroprotective benefits as well.

  • Increased bone density: DHEA may improve bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis in older adults as a supplement.

  • Better immune function: By supporting the immune system, DHEA can reduce inflammation and help fight off infections.

  • Skin health: Taking a DHEA supplement can contribute to healthier and more youthful skin by improving hydration, thickness and elasticity.

  • Increased strength and muscle mass: This supplement can increase strength and muscle mass, especially in older adults with age-related muscle loss.

  • Libido improvement: Enhanced libido can stem from supplementing with DHEA, and it can help overall sexual function.

  • Enhanced stress response: DHEA supports adrenal function, helping your body manage stress more effectively and reducing the negative effects of chronic stress.

  • Hair growth: DHEA may promote hair growth in some individuals, particularly in areas where hair is typically finer or less dense due to its conversion into testosterone. This is especially noted in people who are deficient in DHEA or those who are aging, as DHEA levels naturally decline with age. On the flip side, DHEA treatment can also lead to hair thinning or loss, especially if it increases levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone known to cause androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness) in those who are genetically predisposed.

DHEA and Lupus

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) has been studied as a potential treatment for lupus, particularly for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Some research suggests that DHEA may offer certain benefits for people with lupus, including:

  1. Reduction in Disease Activity: Some studies have shown that DHEA can reduce disease activity in lupus patients, potentially leading to fewer flare-ups and decreased symptoms.

  2. Improved Bone Density: DHEA supplementation may help counteract the bone loss associated with lupus and the use of corticosteroids, which are commonly prescribed to manage the disease.

  3. Mood and Energy Improvement: DHEA may also improve mood and energy levels, which can be beneficial for lupus patients who often experience fatigue and depression as part of the disease.

However, the use of DHEA for lupus is still considered experimental, and its effectiveness and safety are not fully established. It’s important for individuals with lupus to consult their healthcare provider before starting DHEA supplementation, as it may interact with other medications and conditions.

Can I Take Pregnenolone and DHEA Together?

Back to the original question—can I take pregnenolone and DHEA together?

It’s a common consideration to combine pregnenolone and a DHEA supplement because of their similar roles as hormone precursors.

Why might you combine pregnenolone treatment and DHEA?

  • Complementary roles: Pregnenolone is the mother hormone and a precursor to DHEA. DHEA is a precursor to sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, so combining the two could support a broader set of hormone functions.

  • Improved hormonal balance: Taking pregnenolone and DHEA together can help achieve a more balanced hormonal profile, especially if you have imbalances in multiple hormones or deficiencies.

  • Aging support: As we age, levels of pregnenolone and DHEA decline, and supplementing with both can address a wider array of hormonal declines, improving vitality and well-being.

  • Mood and energy: Both hormones play a role in mood regulation and energy production, so the benefits can be synergistic.

  • Bone and muscle health: DHEA supports bone density and muscle strength. Pregnenolone can help joint health, so combined, they can provide comprehensive support for your musculoskeletal health.

While there are some possible benefits of taking pregnenolone and DHEA together, there are some downsides to be aware of.

The risks of combining DHEA and pregnenolone can include:

  • Hormonal imbalance: Taking both supplements, especially without proper testing and medical supervision, can lead to hormonal imbalances. It would be best to start with baseline testing of hormone levels such as testosterone and estrogen levels, then regularly have them rechecked. You should also be especially careful about the risk of serious adverse health effects if you’re taking hormone replacement therapy or you have prostate cancer, breast cancer or other hormone-driven cancer.

  • Side effects: If you take multiple hormone-related supplements together, it can raise the risk of side effects like hair loss, acne, insomnia and headaches.

  • Adrenal overstimulation: Combining both supplements could overstimulate your adrenal glands and cause symptoms of adrenal fatigue or other endocrine issues.

What to Know About Taking Pregnenolone and DHEA Together

If you decide you are going to combine these supplements, some best practices to keep in mind include:

  • Talk to a healthcare provider, especially since you should determine your hormone levels.

  • Start with low doses. A starting dose of pregnenolone is usually 5-50 mg a day, and DHEA is 25-100 mg a day.

  • Monitor your hormone levels and symptoms.

  • Some find that taking pregnenolone in the morning is best to support energy and cognitive function, while DHEA can be taken later in the day.

  • Cycling supplements can prevent imbalance or desensitization. You could take them for a few months, followed by a break.

Final Thoughts—Can I Take Pregnenolone and DHEA Together?

The briefest answer to “Can I take pregnenolone and DHEA together?” is yes, you can, and there may be advantages to doing so. 

That being said, these are powerful supplements that can affect your hormonal balance, so be careful and strongly consider having your hormone levels tested and talking to a professional before you take either, and especially before combining them.

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Ashley Sutphin Watkins
Ashley Sutphin Watkins is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's a medical content writer, journalist and an avid researcher of all things related to health and wellness. Ashley lives near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee with her family.
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