Best debloat supplements

How Do I Debloat My Stomach?

Last modified on June 26th, 2023

Bloating is something many of us deal with, and there are different causes of it. Identifying the root cause of your bloating is an important step to remedy the problem, which we detail more below. For anyone asking how do I debloat my stomach, we also put together our list of the ten best supplements to help.

Key Takeaways

  • “How do I debloat my stomach” is an incredibly common question
  • Bloating can be the result of hormones, certain foods, or an imbalance of gut bacteria
  • Different supplements can help with stomach bloating
  • Some of the best ways to debloat your stomach quickly include pre- and probiotics, digestive enzymes and herbal supplements like fennel
how do I debloat my stomach

Love Wellness Bye, Bye Bloat

  • Provides digestive health support when taken daily after a meal or before bedtime.
  • Includes organic dandelion root, which is a diuretic.
  • Bye, Bye, Bloat includes organic fenugreek for enhanced digestion and organic ginger root powder.
  • Also has digestive enzymes like amylase and protease to break down food.
  • Works well for hormonal changes, dairy sensitivity, big meals, water retention.
  • According to reviews, this product works well for people who have bloating due to stress and anxiety.
  • Users say the product also helps them have more regular bowel movements.
how do I debloat my stomach quickly

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care Probiotic

  • Probiotics help with digestive health by normalizing bowel movements.
  • One big reason for bloating is because of a disruption of gut bacteria that promote digestion as well as well-being and even mental health.
  • Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care has 30 billion live cultures from 12 different probiotic strains.
  • Provides gut-friendly bacteria.
  • Delayed-release capsules to ensure the bacteria reach your intestinal tract.
  • Contains multiple Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains.
  • Only have to take one small, easy-to-swallow capsule a day.
  • Free of dairy, soy, and gluten.
how do I debloat my stomach

NaturaLife Labs Organic Activated Charcoal Capsules

  • Activated charcoal traps gas molecules, reducing gas that leads to bloating.
  • Activated charcoal can help reduce flatulence and feelings of discomfort.
  • The NaturaLife Labs Organic Charcoal Capsules are potent with a 1200 mg serving.
  • The organic activated charcoal comes from coconut shells for optimal absorption.
  • Recommended that you take two capsules a day, either before or after meals.
  • Vegan-friendly.
  • According to reviews, these charcoal pills work well for relieving a variety of digestive issues.
how do I debloat my stomach

Traditional Medicinals Organic Gas Relief Digestive Tea

  • Traditional formula containing herbs to relieve gas and support digestion.
  • Ingredients in this tea include caraway, coriander, lemon balm, chamomile, and peppermint.
  • Reviews say this tea is helpful for digestive problems, including SIBO as well as acid problems.
  • Helps the body process fats with less discomfort.
  • Non-GMO Verified.
  • All ingredients are certified organic.
  • Caffeine-free.
how do I debloat my stomach


  • Top-rated product on Amazon for dealing with bloating and digestive discomfort.
  • May help with symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Made from peppermint oil for natural bloating relief.
  • Peppermint is good for bloating and digestive discomfort because it relaxes the smooth muscles in the intestine.
  • Pepper oil has to be enteric coated for absorption, which this product is.
  • Fast-acting because of something called Site-Specific Targeting, which provides delivery beyond the stomach.
  • Normalizes digestion and how food nutrients are absorbed.
  • IBGard may also help promote good bacteria balance in the small intestine.
  • Reviewers say IBGard helps them have normal bowel movements.
how do I debloat my stomach

Nature’s Way Fennel

  • Fennel is one of the best ways to reduce gas and aid digestion naturally.
  • Fennel reduces inflammation, which can help relieve gassiness and also swelling in the intestines.
  • Fennel can help relax intestinal muscles to relieve constipation.
  • Fennel is also high in fiber.
  • These capsules may not only help with digestion, but they might also make your breath sweeter smelling.
how do I debloat my stomach

HUM Flatter Me

  • Contains digestive enzymes amylase lipase and bromelain enzymes for healthy digestion.
  • Lipase breaks down fats, while amylase breaks down carbs.
  • Lactose breaks down milk sugar.
  • Hemicellulose is included to break down fiber.
  • HUM Flatter Me formula also includes fennel powder, peppermint powder, and ginger powder.
  • Helps with nutrient absorption, bloating relief, and indigestion.
  • You take one small pill before your biggest meals of the day to combat bloating and feel lighter.
  • Reviews describe it as an “incredible” product.
  • Reviews also say that taking HUM Flatter Me makes a noticeable difference in how flat their stomach is.
how do I debloat my stomach

The Nue Co. Natural Prebiotic + Probiotic

  • Delivers 15 billion spores per dose
  • Was specifically designed to combat IBS symptoms and long-term digestive issues
  • Room-temperature stable and doesn’t start working until it reaches the small intestine
  • Prebiotic helps encourage good bacteria to grow, improving its survivability in the gut.
  • Pre- and probiotic combination fights bloating, but also helps improve the quality of your skin and your immune system function.
  • Reviews say the Nue Co. Natural Prebiotic + Probiotic really works, and significantly reduces bloating quickly.
how do I debloat my stomach

Benevolent Liquid Chlorophyll

  • Chlorophyll is often called the blood of plants, and using it in your water can help cleanse your entire body.
  • Chlorophyll cleanses the colon.
  • When you drink chlorophyll, it can give you more energy, and it replenishes and rebuilds your red blood cells.
  • Chlorophyll oxygenates the blood, and that helps your body to release stored toxins.
  • Chlorophyll drops help reduce bad breath and body odor, and they have a fresh, minty flavor.
  • Helps fight fatigue, improve athletic performance, and is an antioxidant.

How Do I Debloat My Stomach In Addition to Using Supplements?

In addition to using any one of the above supplements, there are other things you can do that will help you relieve bloating as well.

  • Don’t eat too much at any one time. If you eat and feel uncomfortable, try to eat smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. When you chew your food well, it helps reduce the air you swallow, and it helps you eat slower.
  • Make sure you don’t have food allergies or intolerances. Many people have food intolerances they aren’t aware of and it can lead to bloating, gas production, and discomfort. Some of the common culprits include lactose in milk, fructose, eggs, and wheat and gluten. You can speak to your doctor you can start eliminating things from your diet and then slowly adding them back in to determine what’s causing digestive discomfort.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages like soda. Carbonated drinks have bubbles with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that’s released when it reaches your stomach, and it can cause bloating.
  • While fiber can help with bloating, some high-fiber foods can make it worse. Be careful with foods like beans and lentils, as well as whole grains.
  • Consider a Low-FODMAP diet. A Low-FODMAP diet is one that cuts out certain foods linked to digestive discomfort, including gas and bloating. High-FODMAP foods include wheat, onions, broccoli, cabbage, beans, and cauliflower.
  • Take a digestive enzyme supplement that helps your body break down things like indigestible carbohydrates. Several digestive enzyme supplements are included above.
  • Take probiotics. When you have an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, it can cause bloating and gas. Having enough good bacteria can help reduce bloating and gas.
  • Talk to your doctor to make sure you don’t have a chronic condition such as Crohn’s, which causes your bloating.
  • Take a walk or do yoga if you’re feeling especially bloating. Physical activity can help your bowels get moving and can help reduce excess gas.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Salt can cause your body to retain water, leading to a swollen belly as well as swelling in the hands and feet.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Bloating?

As was mentioned above, if you’re asking how do I debloat my stomach, it can be important to get to the root cause of the bloating. It’s not the same for everyone.

The following are some of the most common causes of bloating.

Gas and Air

Gas is undoubtedly the most common cause of bloating, and you may notice it’s worse after you eat.

Gas builds up in your digestive system when there’s undigested food that’s broken down, or when you swallow air. If you eat or drink too fast or even chew gum, you may swallow more air than normal.


Indigestion is also called dyspepsia, and it’s essentially pain or discomfort in your stomach. It’s normal to have this sometimes, but other people may have it frequently. Indigestion can be caused by eating too much, too much alcohol, or stomach infections.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Your intestines and your stomach are full of bacteria that your body uses to digest food. If there’s an imbalance in the bacteria, it can allow harmful bacteria to increase too much in the small intestine, which is SIBO. If you have SIBO you might experience not just bloating but also diarrhea, and you may have nutritional deficiencies because you have a hard time absorbing nutrients from your food. 

Fluid Retention

Fluid retention can stem from hormonal issues. For example, when you’re in the early stages of pregnancy or you’re about to get your period, changing hormone levels may lead your body to retain more fluid.

If you have chronic fluid retention or ongoing bloating that appears to be due to fluid retention, it can also be because of serious disorders like diabetes or kidney failure. If you don’t think your fluid retention is related to hormones or perhaps food choices, speak with your doctor.

Chronic Digestive Disorders

There are a number of chronic digestive disorders that can contribute to bloating. These include irritable bowel syndrome as well as Crohn’s disease.

There’s a condition called gastroparesis in which your stomach muscles don’t work the way they should, so food passes too slowly through your intestines. Symptoms of gastroparesis include bloating but also constipation and feeling full after only eating a relatively small amount.


Constipation can cause bloating, and there are several causes.

Causes of constipation include being deficient in certain nutrients like magnesium, and constipation can also be a side effect of some medicines. Dehydration and not getting enough fiber are also reasons people experience constipation that can lead to bloating.

Summing Up—How Do I Debloat My Stomach?

There are many reasons that a person could experience bloating. For most of us, bloating is temporary and may be the result of factors like hormones or food intolerances. In these situations, certain supplements may help support your digestive system and reduce your bloating.

If you’re concerned about how often you’re bloated, speak with your doctor to rule out underlying conditions.

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Ashley Sutphin Watkins
Ashley Sutphin Watkins is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's a medical content writer, journalist and an avid researcher of all things related to health and wellness. Ashley lives near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee with her family.
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