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Organifi Red Juice: What Should You Know?

Last modified on March 22nd, 2023

Organifi is one of the leading superfood health companies globally, and one of its top-selling products is Organifi Red Juice. Organifi Red Juice can help combat aging, boost your metabolism and provide you with clean, natural energy. We provide you with everything to know about Red Juice by Organifi, including the ingredients and what Organifi Red Juice reviews have to say.

Key Takeaways

  • Organifi Red Juice is an anti-aging superfood powder
  • Antioxidants in Red Juice include acai, cranberry, and raspberry
  • Can help not just slow signs of aging but also support a healthy immune system
  • May help support weight loss and reduce cravings
  • Combats free radicals to improve brain health and cognition

Organifi Red Juice is a superfood powder that you can take in the afternoon to boost your energy levels and metabolism. It contains adaptogens, sources of clean energy and antioxidants. 

An Overview of Organifi Red Juice

Organifi is a company that specializes in offering convenient, nutrient-packed superfood powders. Organifi Red Juice is one of those superfood powders geared toward anti-aging, weight loss management, and brain health support. Organifi Red Juice may help provide long-lasting energy without a crash, and it contains only one gram of sugar per serving.

Organifi Red Juice is made of five berries, four adaptogens, and antioxidants.

Organifi Red Juice contains antioxidants to help combat the signs of aging that result from free radicals. The blend of superfoods and other ingredients in Organifi Red Juice may also help with memory retention and the production of collagen.

As with the other Organifi products, Red Juice is non-GMO, has no soy or gluten, and is organic.

There are eleven ingredients included in Organifi Red Juice, and these include antioxidants as well as adaptogens.

Red Juice joins the other products in the Organifi lineup such as Organifi Green Juice, which is primarily for detox, and Organifi Gold, which is geared toward helping you get a restful night’s sleep with ingredients like reishi mushroom and turmeric.

Organifi Red Juice Ingredients

Our focus is always on the individual ingredients in each of the products we review, and the following is an overview of all the Organifi Red Juice ingredients and what their potential benefits might be.


Cordyceps are a type of mushroom that are believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Cordyceps have long been used in ancient Chinese medicine, and they’re widely available as a nutritional supplement in the U.S.

Cordyceps are also one of the primary ingredients in Organifi Red Juice.

Cordyceps are believed to be a natural energy booster. There is some evidence suggesting cordyceps may also help with health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, depression, and fatigue.

Some believe cordyceps can help slow signs of aging and boost libido.

A study published in 2010 found that using a daily cordyceps supplement helped improve exercise performance in a small group of older people between the ages of 50 and 75. There was also a study from UNC-Chapel Hill that found taking a daily cordyceps supplement increased maximum oxygen intake in young adults after they took it for three weeks.

In a study of people with moderate to severe asthma, cordyceps helped relax their airway constriction and improved their quality of life measures.

Cordyceps likely act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories and that can help with high blood pressure.

There’s some preliminary evidence suggesting cordyceps might protect against some types of cancer too. For example, there was a study published in 2008 that found cordyceps could trigger cell death in breast cancer cells in test tube studies.

There were similar results with colon cancer cells, and cordyceps may be toxic to leukemia cells.


Rhodiola Rosea, also just called Rhodiola, is an adaptogen. Rhodiola can help your body adapt to stress, and it contains more than 140 active ingredients. Rhodiola has long been used in Scandinavian countries as well as Russia to help with symptoms of depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Since Rhodiola is an adaptogen, there is research indicating that it may help your body deal with stress more effectively. It can relieve symptoms of stress like anxiety, exhaustion and fatigue. Rhodiola may help with symptoms of burnout resulting from chronic stress.

In a study of people with stress-related fatigue, taking a Rhodiola supplement was found to help with the fatigue itself and anxiety, depression, and fatigue.

In another study of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, 400 mg of Rhodiola was given each day for eight weeks. The group taking Rhodiola had improvements in fatigue, quality of life, mood and concentration and stress symptoms. These benefits started to appear after only a week of taking Rhodiola and continued to improve through the end of the study.

Rhodiola Rosea may have properties that are similar to antidepressants and it may help balance brain neurotransmitters. There has even been evidence that taking Rhodiola can help self-esteem in individuals with depression.

Taking a supplement like Organifi Red Juice with Rhodiola may help keep your brain functioning optimally, it can help improve exercise performance, and it may help improve diabetes control.

There is research currently going on in test tube studies to determine if Rhodiola could have anti-cancer properties. So far, test-tube studies have indicated it may help prevent the growth of colon, breast, liver and bladder cancer cells.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is unique from American and Asian ginseng, and it has different chemical components. Siberian ginseng has something called eleutherosides that may help stimulate immune system function. Siberian ginseng has a history of use in Russia to help with colds and flu, and it’s an adaptogen that can help you deal with stress mentally and physically.

Double-blind studies have found that products with Siberian ginseng reduce the length and severity of colds when taking within 72 hours of the start of symptoms.

Another double-blind study found that taking Siberian ginseng reduced the number of outbreaks people with herpes simplex virus type 2 experienced.

Other possible benefits of the Siberian ginseng in Organifi Red Juice include possible improved mental alertness and performance, boosts in physical performance, and overall better quality of life.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushrooms are a popular supplement right now because they potentially have many benefits. Reishi mushrooms have been studied in animal, human, and cell studies.

In test-tube studies, reishi mushrooms have shown immune-boosting benefits. Reishi mushrooms can also alter inflammation pathways of white blood cells, which could help encourage the activity of natural killer cells. Natural killer cells fight cancer and infections.

Reishi mushrooms may help combat depression and fatigue.

Other possible benefits of reishi mushrooms include helping control blood sugar and promoting cardiovascular health.


Acai is one of the core ingredients in Red Juice by Organifi. This is one of the most thoroughly studied of the Organifi Red Juice ingredients.

Acai has many benefits, including the ability to improve cognitive function. Taking antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds like acai may help reduce the risk of brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

There’s specifically an antioxidant compound in acai called anthocyanin which is found in acai berries. It may promote brain health and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Acai may help reduce the risk of heart attack and improve cardiovascular health.

Anthocyanins may also have anti-cancer properties. Lab studies have shown this acai compound might help prevent the spread of cancer cells and lead to the death of cancer cells. Acai’s compounds may also help inhibit the formation of some tumors and prevent invasions by cancer cells.

Other Organifi Red Juice Ingredients

Organifi Red Juice ingredients also include:

  • Beets can increase the oxygen in your blood cells. Beets are also high in nitric oxide, folate, and magnesium.
  • Pomegranate is one of the Organifi Red Juice ingredients. Pomegranate is high in antioxidants and can also boost cardiovascular health.
  • Raspberries in Organifi Red Juice may help promote the health of your skin thanks to the minerals they contain such as vitamin C, folic acid, copper, iron, and manganese.
  • Cranberries may promote urinary tract health, improve gum and oral health, and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Blueberries have magnesium, iron, and phosphates and may play a role in the health of your metabolism.
  • Strawberries are a source of phenol antioxidants, flavonoids, collagen, and phytonutrients.

Organifi Red Juice Reviews

According to Organifi Red Juice reviews on Amazon, this is a high-quality product. The majority of reviews are five-star.

Some of the positive things cited by Organifi Red Juice reviews include:

  • According to Red Juice reviews, the product has helped some people lose weight.
  • Users say the product has become part of their daily routine, and it gives them energy.
  • Some people feel that because of the energy they get from Organifi Red Juice, they can skip coffee.
  • Some reviews of Organifi Red Juice say the product helps reduce hunger.
  • Most people enjoy the taste of Red Juice.
  • It’s easy to mix and convenient, according to some reviews.
  • Clean source of energy that doesn’t lead to feelings of jitteriness.

So what about the bad reviews of Organifi Red Juice?

The common thread we saw as far as negative reviews is that some people don’t feel like the container they received was full, and they didn’t believe it was a 30-day supply. This seems to be a complaint that’s happened several times, at least among Amazon reviewers, so it’s worth considering.

A few people also said the product arrived with a broken seal.

Other complaints include the fact that some people don’t like the taste, and others say they didn’t get a noticeable benefit from using the product.

Are There Any Side Effects of Organifi Red Juice?

For the most part, Organifi Red Juice is likely safe because the ingredients are well-studied. With that being said, you should always speak to your doctor before taking Organifi Red Juice or any supplement.

You may experience mild side effects when you first start taking Red Juice, such as headaches or nausea.

For most people these side effects go away with continued use.

Organifi Red Juice Frequently Asked Questions

The following are answers to some of the questions people often have about Organifi Red Juice before purchasing it.

What Is Organifi Red Juice?

Organifi Red Juice is a superfood powder with adaptogens to help your body deal with stress healthily, antioxidants, anti-aging ingredients, and ingredients that help provide clean, non-jittery energy.

Organifi Red Juice can easily be mixed with water and taken any time you need a boost.

Cordyceps in Organifi Red Juice can help boost your metabolism and burn fat, Rhodiola also helps improve your resting metabolism, and Siberian ginseng is an energy booster.

Other Organifi Red Juice ingredients are acai, beets, pomegranate, and raspberry.

What is the difference between Organifi Red Juice and Organifi Green Juice?

Organifi Red Juice is meant as an energy booster that can also help your metabolism and it may help you lose weight. Organifi Green Juice can provide you with your daily nutritional needs in the form of green juice powder. Organifi Green Juice may help detox and reset your body and also balance your hormones.

How do you use Organifi Red Juice?

To use Organifi Red Juice, you should mix a scoop in water or the beverage of your choice in the afternoons and preferably on an empty stomach for maximum effectiveness.

Where do you buy Organifi Red Juice?

You can buy Organifi Red Juice directly from the Organifi company website, or you can purchase all of their products from Amazon.

As with other Organifi products, you can only buy Red Juice online.



Final Thoughts

Organifi Red Juice, like other Organifi products is a way to fill in the gaps you may be missing from your diet and provide specific benefits. 

Many customers do find that Organifi Red Juice works as promised and provides them with an afternoon boost of energy, along with helping their mental well-being and weight loss goals. 

Organifi Red Juice doesn’t work for everyone, however. For the best outcomes, use it as directed and use Red Juice consistently. 

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Ashley Sutphin Watkins
Ashley Sutphin Watkins is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's a medical content writer, journalist and an avid researcher of all things related to health and wellness. Ashley lives near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee with her family.
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