Best Ashwagandha Supplements (Updated 2024)

Last modified on April 17th, 2024

The best ashwagandha supplements can be a powerful tool to add to your wellness routine.

Ashwagandha has many health benefits, including mental and physical health, yet it’s a herbal remedy many people aren’t familiar with.

The following is an overview of ashwagandha’s benefits, dosage instructions, and reviews.

We include links to the top supplements if you decide to start taking them.

What Is Ashwagandha?

Before delving into specific supplements, what is it? It’s also known as winter cherry and Indian ginseng.

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that may have anti-inflammatory properties. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, it has also been shown to relax the central nervous system in animal studies.

In Ayurvedic medicine and tradition, ashwagandha is considered one of the most healing herbs available.

In traditional medicine, this herb has been used as an adaptogen.

An adaptogen can help the body adapt to certain physical and emotional stress types.

Ashwagandha has a medicinal history going back more than 5,000 years for conditions ranging from failure to thrive in children to insomnia, stress joint inflammation, hormone imbalances, and more.

This herb is in the same family as the tomato and is known as a nightshade.

Ashwagandha is a shrub with round leaves, yellow flowers, and fruit that grows about the size of a raisin.

It grows natively in India, the Middle East, northern Africa, and increasingly in some parts of the United States.

What Are the Benefits?

There are many ashwagandha benefits backed by research and scientific studies.

According to the Chopra Center, the following are some of the healing properties and benefits of ashwagandha:

Anxiety and Stress Relief

Many of us are plagued by symptoms of anxiety and stress.

When our body is experiencing anxiety or stress, it can cause the release of something called cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that contributes to our fight or flight response in stressful situations or when we perceive danger.

There are times when cortisol levels naturally rise and then fall; however, because of the ongoing stressors of modern life, many of us have chronically high cortisol levels.

This affects the functionality of our nervous system, glucose levels, gastrointestinal system health, and more.

Evidence shows that ashwagandha can help stabilize cortisol levels and encourage our body to maintain healthy inflammatory processes.

These effects and benefits of ashwagandha can promote healthier immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.

A study published in the Phytomedicine journal showed one benefit is the herb’s ability to lower anxiety levels. The herb may even be as effective as certain anti-anxiety medicines at reducing symptoms.

Optimal Nervous System Health

Our nervous system includes our brain, and ashwagandha may help ensure our nervous system functions in an optimal way.

It may help promote healthy cognitive function and naturally stimulate the GABA brain pathways, promoting a sense of calm.

Many people find that supplementing with ashwagandha can help them feel calmer and maintain a more balanced mood. It may also help regulate healthy sleep patterns.

Arthritis Relief

For people who suffer from arthritis, it can be debilitating.

When you have arthritis, the pain can impede your daily functionality, and you may start relying on pharmaceutical drugs with dangerous side effects.

One study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research showed that ashwagandha’s anti-inflammatory properties make it effective in treating arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.

Cardiovascular Health

As an anti-inflammatory herb, ashwagandha benefits may extend to the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

A human study published in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research found that ashwagandha improved endurance and muscle strength.

Beyond that, benefits may include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and helping reduce the risk of heart disease.

Lowering Blood Sugar

A test-tube study looked at using ashwagandha to lower blood sugar levels and found that administering the herb increased insulin secretion and improved insulin sensitivity.

Human studies looking at people with diabetes and people without having shown ashwagandha can help reduce blood sugar levels.

A study that looked at six people with type 2 diabetes found that using an ashwagandha supplement for 30 days lowered fasting blood sugar levels and a diabetes medication used orally.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Studies in test tubes and animal studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha’s benefits may include killing cancer cells, stopping cancer cells, and stopping the growth of new cancer cells.

Why these effects?

Researchers believe it could be because ashwagandha can create reactive oxygen species or ROS.

ROS are toxic to cancer cells but not to normal healthy cells.

Animal studies have shown ashwagandha benefits for different types of cancer, including:

  • Lung cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Ovarian cancer

In a study looking at mice with ovarian tumors, when treated with ashwagandha on its own or in combination with an anti-cancer drug, there was a decline in tumor growth of anywhere from 70 to 80%.

The ashwagandha treatment also prevented the spreading of cancer to other organs.

There are currently no human-based studies looking at these effects, although animal studies show promising results regarding ashwagandha’s benefits for cancer.

Depression Symptoms

Along with potentially helping people with anxiety symptoms, ashwagandha may be helpful for symptoms of depression.

A controlled study followed 64 adults for 60 days. The group that took 600 milligrams of highly concentrated ashwagandha extra each day had a 79% reduction in severe depression.

The placebo group, on the other hand, had a 10% increase in symptoms.

Male Sexual Health and Function

Among the long list of potential benefits of ashwagandha are possible effects on male reproductive health and testosterone levels.

There was one study of 75 men considered infertile. Of those men, the group treated with ashwagandha had increased sperm count and motility.

The administration of ashwagandha also led to significant increases in testosterone levels.

A separate study showed that with three months of ashwagandha treatment, 14% of men’s partners became pregnant.

Side Effects

Ashwagandha can seem like a wonder herb, and in many ways, it can be, but you may wonder if ashwagandha has any side effects.

Typically, the use of ashwagandha supplements is well-tolerated.

Potential side effects are mild in severity and can include headache, drowsiness, or mild stomach upset.

Be aware that using ashwagandha can impact your blood pressure, blood sugar, and thyroid levels, so speak with your healthcare provider before using it.

As with many herbs and supplements, no studies have examined the long-term safety of ashwagandha in a controlled environment.

Sometimes, people with autoimmune disorders are advised against the use of ashwagandha as well unless they speak with their doctor.

How To Take Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha can be taken in different forms.

Many people will look for an ashwagandha supplement that comes in a powder form, either in capsules or they might use the powder itself.

There are also liquid extract versions of ashwagandha.

For convenience purposes, people often prefer to use an ashwagandha capsule.

There are also tea-based versions of ashwagandha.

What is the Recommended Ashwagandha Dosage?

The ashwagandha dosage can vary depending on why you’re using it.

Since there aren’t clinical trials yet, there isn’t a standardized dosage, which is common with many top supplements and herbs.

If you’re using a powdered form of ashwagandha, you might use anywhere from 450 mg to 2 grams.

Most people take 125 to 1,250 mg daily in the currently available studies.

A good rule of thumb is to use a capsule or another ashwagandha supplement with a dosage of around 450 to 500 mg and take it either once or twice a day.

The Best Ashwagandha Supplements

We compiled a list of the best supplements based on different factors.

One of the primary factors we used for this ranking is ashwagandha reviews from real users.

We looked at things like not only reviews themselves but also Amazon ratings and third-party information outside of Amazon.

We looked at each company’s reputation, convenience, price, and general ease of purchase and use.

We also relied on our experience using some of these products to guide our decision-making as we ranked the best products. 

NutriRise All-Natural Organic Aswaghanda

This product is formulated to be maximum strength, and each dose is 1300 mg. The organic ashwagandha in this product is combined with black pepper for maximum absorption.

This product has no fillers or binders and is gluten, soy and dairy-free.

It’s great for anxiety relief, boosting the immune system, and balancing the thyroid and hormones. People also use this formula to improve cognitive function.

According to the makers of NutriRise’s organic ashwagandha product, it’s three times more powerful than the average supplement with only 1000 to 1200 mg of ashwagandha powder.

Please be aware that this product contains 1300 mg of ashwagandha in a serving or dose—that much is not contained in a single capsule. This bottle contains 120 capsules.

According to some reviews, people have experienced great results with this pick. Results include improved quality of sleep, reduced irritation, and lower blood sugar.

NOW Supplements 450 MG Aswagandha

NOW Supplements is one of our favorite supplement brands on Amazon. They offer high-quality products at a highly affordable price.

The NOW ashwagandha supplement is only $7.07 a bottle, and the dose is 450 mg. There are 90 capsules per bottle; with this formulation, you’re advised to take one anywhere from one to three times a day.

Many people report getting the best results with this pick when they combine it with Rhodiola Rosea, another adaptogen supplement.

Reviewers say some of the benefits they experience with NOW’s ashwagandha supplement include better hormone levels, reduced cortisol levels, and improvements in symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

People also say when they use this type of ashwagandha supplement, they experience less anxiety, irritation and overall frustration. It’s described as easy to swallow and a good value for the money.

NaturaLife Labs Organic Ashwagandha 2100 MG

Among the best supplements available, NaturaLife Labs has a version that’s a standout for a few different reasons.

Along with immune system and mood support, this product offers a dosage of 2100 mg.

This ashwagandha product contains black pepper, which improves absorption and ensures you’re getting the maximum benefits.

There are currently 602 ashwagandha reviews for this product on Amazon, with an average of 4.5 stars.

A bottle contains 100 vegan capsules.

This supplement doesn’t contain fillers, soy, dairy, gluten, or rice concentrate.

There are no binders, so this product contains the highest purity and most potent available product.

NaturaLife Labs also says they test all their products to ensure they don’t contain heavy metals, toxins, pesticides or solvent residue.

True Veda Organic Ashwagandha

True Veda offers an organic ashwagandha product that can help reduce exhaustion, anxiety, and stress.

It can help balance out the effects of chronic fight-or-flight mode and promote improved physical and mental well-being.

True Veda’s Organic Ashwagandha contains the adaptogenic herb that is vegan and USDA organic.

According to user reviews, people who take it experience rapid benefits.

For example, customer reviews say it may help reduce physical tension, anxiety, and sleep problems.

Some people report other benefits, including an improved mood, less bloating, and more joint comfort and mobility.

Zokiva 100% Organic Ashwagandha Tea

Not everyone wants an ashwagandha capsule, and for those people, there are alternative options available like ashwagandha tea.

Zokiva offers a highly-rated ashwagandha tea product that contains no caffeine, no gluten and no artificial ingredients. It is only 100% pure ashwagandha.

To use this ashwagandha tea, place one bag in an eight-ounce cup. Pour boiling water over the tea bag, and steep it for 5 to 7 minutes.

People who left reviews say it helps promote a sense of calm but in a mild way, with few side effects. The tea is described as soothing and relaxing, making it a great option before you head to bed in the evening.

Hawaii Pharm Ashwagandha Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract

Along with capsules and tea, another way to use ashwagandha supplements is liquid extract form, also known as a tincture. 

The Hawaii Pharm product is one of the top-rated supplements in tincture or liquid extract form.

It’s available on Amazon in two-ounce bottles, and you can buy several bottles at once and receive a discount on pricing.

There are some reasons why someone might prefer to take an ashwagandha dosage in tincture form.

First, a liquid herbal tincture of ashwagandha will be better absorbed than the powdered form of the herb in capsule form.

Tinctures are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, while capsules with powdered ashwagandha must be broken down and digested before they can be absorbed.

When an herb is powdered, some of the plant’s elements may not be retained as well as in a liquid extract.

Does that mean powdered versions aren’t effective?

No, that’s not the case, and some people prefer capsules because tinctures can taste unappealing.

Regardless if you want a tincture version, the version from Hawaii Pharm is excellent and top-rated.

Banyan Botanicals Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder

Banyan Botanicals offers a powdered version of Indian ginseng, also known as ashwagandha root powder. There are around 266 customer reviews for this powdered supplement on Amazon, and the majority are favorable. 

To use a powder like this one from Banyan Botanicals, you can add it to food as you cook or bake with it. According to the makers of this product, another option is mixing it with warm milk and honey before bed to promote more restful sleep.

You can add powder to a smoothie or morning drink, tea, or even combine it with your favorite nuts to make nut butter.

The flexible and unique ways you can use a powdered herbal supplement are why people like these versions.

Another benefit of powder is that it’s economical, and an inexpensive bag can go a long way.

According to reviews of this product, it helps users to feel more even-tempered and mellow. Some users say it helped with their depression symptoms as well.

Ashwagandha Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The following are brief answers to people’s questions about using this supplement. 

How Much  Should I Take?

As with most herbal supplements, there aren’t standardized dosages for ashwagandha across the board.

Instead, follow the instructions listed with the product you choose. If you read reviews, you can also get an idea of the dosage people frequently use.

The lowest effective dose recorded is around 300 to 500 mg a day. A therapeutic dose can be as high as 6,000 mg daily, in three divided doses.

If you’re just starting to take an ashwagandha supplement, you might want to start low and gradually work your way up once you see its effects on you.

Does Ashwagandha Interact With Any Medicines?

There are possible ashwagandha interactions to be aware of, and you should speak with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting it. For example, it can interact with certain diabetes medicines because it can reduce blood sugar.

If you take ashwagandha with diabetes medicine, your blood sugar levels can drop too much.

Ashwagandha may lower blood pressure, so be aware if you already take a blood pressure-lowering medication.

If you take immunosuppressant medications, there may be interactions. Ashwagandha can stimulate the immune system, so sometimes, it’s not advised for use by people with immune system disorders.

If you have an autoimmune disorder, speak with your healthcare provider before you use the supplement. 

Ashwagandha can have a mildly relaxing or sedative-like effect, so be careful when combining it with other drugs that have sedative properties as well—you may become drowsy.

If you take thyroid medication, be aware that ashwagandha has the potential to increase how much thyroid hormone your body makes. 

How Does Ashwagandha Work?

Ashwagandha has components that are believed to help reduce activity in the brain and promote calm.

It also has antioxidant properties, can reduce swelling and inflammation and impacts blood pressure and the immune system.

Does Ashwagandha Cause Liver Damage?

There is currently no evidence that using ashwagandha, even daily or for longer periods of time, can contribute to liver damage.

Ashwagandha tends to combat free radicals and might help prevent liver damage, although you should always speak with your doctor.

Final Thoughts

If you want to try ashwagandha supplements, we encourage you to review our list and learn more about this fascinating herb. As always, our guide isn’t a replacement for medical advice, so speak with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements.

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